Documentation for the RuntimeInfo wrapper class used to capture detailed runtime context and performance metrics from Lightning Web Components.
Wrapper class for capturing detailed runtime context information.
Environment Information:
@AuraEnabled public String userAgent // Browser user agent
@AuraEnabled public String platform // Operating system platform
@AuraEnabled public String language // User language
@AuraEnabled public Boolean mobile // Mobile device indicator
@AuraEnabled public List<Object> brands // Browser brand information
@AuraEnabled public String theme // UI theme
Performance Metrics:
@AuraEnabled public Double pageLoadTime // Total page load time
@AuraEnabled public Double domInteractive // Time to interactive
@AuraEnabled public Double domContentLoaded // DOM content loaded time
@AuraEnabled public Double firstByte // Time to first byte
@AuraEnabled public Double serverTime // Server processing time
@AuraEnabled public Double firstPaint // First paint timing
@AuraEnabled public Double firstContentfulPaint // First contentful paint
Memory Statistics:
@AuraEnabled public Double memoryUsage // Current memory usage
@AuraEnabled public Double memoryLimit // Memory limit
Network Information:
@AuraEnabled public String connectionType // Network connection type
@AuraEnabled public Double connectionSpeed // Connection speed in Mbps
@AuraEnabled public Double connectionRtt // Round-trip time
@AuraEnabled public Boolean saveData // Data saver mode
@AuraEnabled public Boolean isOnline // Online status
Device and Display:
@AuraEnabled public String formFactor // Device form factor
@AuraEnabled public Integer screenWidth // Screen width
@AuraEnabled public Integer screenHeight // Screen height
@AuraEnabled public String orientation // Screen orientation
@AuraEnabled public Integer viewportWidth // Viewport width
@AuraEnabled public Integer viewportHeight // Viewport height
Navigation Context:
@AuraEnabled public String pathname // Current path
@AuraEnabled public String hostname // Host name